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COVID-19 Projection
The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) is an independent global health research center based at the University of Washington in the US. “IHME’s COVID-19 projection” was developed by the University of Washington School of Medicine, in cooperation with US hospital systems and state governments to forecast when COVID-19 would overwhelm their ability to care for patients. The model now includes all 50 US states, as well as countries and regions worldwide . The IHME obtains data from local and national governments, hospital networks and associations, the WHO, third-party aggregators, and a range of other sources such as Johns Hopkins University (JHU) data repository on GitHub to collate daily COVID-19 cases and deaths. Also, it includes government data from Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, and other countries. The forecasts include the demand for hospital services, daily and cumulative deaths due to COVID-19, rates of infection and testing, and the impact of social distancing. These scenarios aim to help policymakers establish plans in advance for improved responses to the COVID-19 pandemic (IHME, 2020).

Figure 11. IHME COVID-19 Projection (as of Apr.14th)